50th Phoenix Award Finally Presented To Dr. Li Shenhua

Dr Li Shenhua receives the 50th Phoenix Award.

Dr. Li Shenhua, Chairman and Founder of Huaxing Glass, was finally honoured with the 2020 Phoenix Award last month. Dr. Li's recognition marked the 50th award bestowed by the Phoenix Award Committee (PAC), making it particularly significant. Unfortunately, due to global COVID travel restrictions, the PAC had been unable to present him with the award earlier.

To rectify this, PAC members travelled to Xiamen, China, to have Kevin Lievre the 2020 PAC Chair personally present the Phoenix Glass Bird (crafted from Steuben glass) to Dr. Li.

The award ceremony took place at a banquet held in the exquisite Waldorf Astoria in the Xiamen Peninsula coastal area.

For an exclusive interview with Dr Li Shenhua that appeared in the March/April issue of Glass Worldwide visit https://www.glassworldwide.co.uk/Articles/li-shenhua-phoenix-award-inter...


Dr Li Shenhua receives the 50th Phoenix Award.

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