Ardagh Group Facility Awarded Its Eighth Consecutive Energy Star

Ardagh Group’s Fairfield facility retains Energy Star building certification for the eighth year.

Ardagh Group's distribution centre in Fairfield, California, was awarded an Energy Star building certification from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the eighth consecutive year. Fairfield primarily serves the company’s packaging distribution needs on the West Coast to better service the wine industry.

Ardagh Group’s commitment to the environment goes beyond producing infinitely recyclable glass containers; we’re dedicated to protecting the communities in which we live and work, by saving energy and reducing our environmental impact,” said Alex Winters, Chief Sustainability Officer at Ardagh Glass Packaging. “Initiatives like the Energy Star certification demonstrate Ardagh’s aim to be an environmental leader in the packaging industry.”

Ardagh’s Fairfield facility has improved energy performance by installing energy-efficient lighting fixtures and incorporating occupancy sensors for maximum efficiency.

Ardagh Group’s Fairfield facility retains Energy Star building certification for the eighth year.

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