Circularity in the European Glass Fibre Manufacturing

Glass Fibre Europe is confident the industry can become circular and sustainable.

The European glass fibre industry has announced the adoption of a groundbreaking position: “Circularity in the European Continuous Filament Glass Fibre Manufacturing”. This underscores the industry’s dedication to significantly reduce waste generation within its facilities, as well as the ultimate goal of ensuring that no internal glass waste ends up in landfill.

Glass Fibre Europe’s member organisations are working towards the identification and implementation of innovative solutions, closely aligned with the European Union Waste Framework Directive. These measures, designed to prevent losses, promote reuse and facilitate recycling have already seen the share of glass waste sent to landfill reduce from 11% to 6.9% of the glass fibre output in the last ten years.

Circularity includes:

(1) Identifying Sources of Glass Losses: Highlighting areas within glass fibre manufacturing installations where glass losses typically occur. Understanding these critical points allows for effective mitigation strategies.

(2) Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Glass Fibre Europe’s members have taken action to implement sustainable practices aimed at minimizing waste generation. The position paper details these measures and their impact on waste to landfill reduction.

(3) Support from Authorities: To facilitate this ambitious transition towards zero internal glass waste to landfill, there are insights into how governmental authorities can support the glass fibre industry. Collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies are crucial in achieving this shared goal.

The European glass fibre industry’s commitment to circularity and waste reduction not only aligns with international sustainability goals but also exemplifies the industry’s contribution to the European Green Deal agenda.

Glass Fibre Europe is confident the industry can become circular and sustainable.

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