Epice Wins the "Produktinnovation Glas" Award at Trendtag Glas

Epice Wins the "Produktinnovation Glas" Award at Trendtag Glas

The Aktionsforum Glasverpackung has been honouring particularly innovative products packaged in glass since 2014. At the 2022 event, the now firmly established industry award was presented again at the "Trendtag Glas" in Düsseldorf.

Two Wiegand-Glas packaging products made it to the finals. In the "Small Companies" category, "Blütenkonfetti" from Tante Fine GmbH in the 150ml Epice bottle white emerged as the winner. "The harmonious packaging of the delicate glass bottle emphasizes the quality of the contents and safely protects the aroma-sensitive dried flowers from external influences," read the jury's assessment of the award winner. Also nominated and through to the final round were the J. Kinski organic broths from Goodvenience.bio GmbH, which are available in the 500ml Kinski bottle, a product from the Eco2Bottle division.

The award ceremony took place following the container glass industry's Trendtag Glas event. In addition to Josef Hinkel, Mayor of the City of Düsseldorf, owner and CEO, Oliver Wiegand, welcomed the guests present as Vice President of the Bundesverband Glasindustrie. Informative presentations by first-class speakers as well as exciting insights into companies in the food and beverage industry rounded off the event.


Wiegand-Glas Epice bottle wins the Small Companies category at Trendtag Glas.

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