The first million is the hardest, Circujars in production

The first million is the hardest, Circujars in production

A reusable glass container at the centre of a pool system for soups, spreads, antipasti, sauces and more has been developed by Circujar, offering a simple and optimized handling for the smaller ecological footprint. The company takes over as soon as the glasses are brought back by the consumer: collection, transport, cleaning and redelivery. This service is financed by a usage fee.

For the last 2.5 years, Circujar has talked to a lot of people from many companies from many industries. In the beginning, as a small team with a big idea, the company wasn't necessarily welcomed with open arms. Even in January of this year, the company was still asking, "Can it be so difficult to produce the, in our opinion, perfect glass?" After an email with something like this question, this raised ambitions in at least one person, and then the rest is history. 

The orange glowing Circujar in the picture really rolled off the assembly line on 2 September. As a pioneer of a new reusable generation. As difficult as the first million was, Verallia Deutschland pulled through and two days later a million Circujars are there.

Image: The first Circujars are made by Verallia Deutschland.


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