Tiama HOT mass 2: new sensor for gob monitoring

Tiama HOT mass 2: new sensor for gob monitoring

The Tiama HOT mass 2 is the new generation hot end sensor dedicated to gob monitoring. It uses a unique configuration that provides real 3D views of gobs and accurate measurements of their length and diameters. The control of the gob shape is essential to limit the creation of defects. The system also provides temperatures, falling angles and speeds measurements in real time.

Gob weight is kept stable by the Tiama HOT mass 2 through two closed loops: the system regulates automatically the tube height and the needles positions. Performance achieved by the system is very promising. As an example, for a production with a weight setpoint at 955g, the gob weight is kept within ±1g. Weight limits can be set to a minimum and the weight setpoint reduced. A reduction of only 1g means significant savings for a glass factory. This automatic gob weight control frees up time for operators who can concentrate on more added-value tasks around the IS machine.

The Tiama HOT mass 2 is universal and can be connected to any kind of IS machine and process. The technology used by the system makes it possible to have a compact solution that can be easily installed and requires very little maintenance. It is fully integrated in the YOUniverse concept, compatible with the different information systems used by glass plants.


Image: Tiama HOT mass 2 user interface