Vertex and Encirc sign major low carbon hydrogen supply agreement

Vertex and Encirc sign major low carbon hydrogen supply agreement

Vertex Hydrogen has announced the signing of a ‘Heads of Terms’ offtake agreement for 300MW+ of low carbon hydrogen with Encirc.

Encirc has announced its plan to build a new ultra-low carbon furnace on its Cheshire site. The furnace will be fuelled by an energy mix of green electricity and low carbon hydrogen. The hydrogen will be supplied by Vertex Hydrogen, as part of the HyNet low carbon industrial cluster. The hydrogen will be produced using Johnson Matthey’s best in class LCH technology.

Joe Seifert, CEO of Vertex Hydrogen said: “Glass bottles are an everyday and highly recyclable product we all use. We are delighted to be powering our neighbours Encirc who, along with Diageo, are leading the charge in decarbonising the drinks industry.

Adrian Curry, Managing Director of Encirc said: “This partnership with Vertex Hydrogen will help us to change the face of glass as we aim to produce Net Zero bottles by 2030. Glass is an incredible material and sustainable in so many ways. It has been around since 3500 BC, and by using hydrogen to decarbonise it, we believe it will be the packaging choice for centuries to come.”


Image: Joe Siefert CEO of Vertex Hydrogen.